The Predictions of Ages
by Rahn Heart


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Since I began my research, with attempting to correlate descriptions of ancient global disasters with scientific evidence which would support what was in the these legends, I became used to having to deal with the mystical expressions used in the old writings, to explain the nature of these events. As I moved into the study of the prophecies, in an attempt to discern whether we were truly in for another one of these great destructive periods, the first thing to strike me, was the similarity between the way the legends, and the prophecies were expressed. Both writings were equally vague in many cases, as a result of being filled with spiritual innuendoes.

The obvious explanation for this would be, that the prophecies as being divinely inspired, would at least in some cases, have to include the mystical aspects of this inspiration. The old stories took on a similar flare, because in olden times, the priests were the record keepers, and it was their job to by mystical. As I began to assemble the prophecies, I found another reason for this may be the fact, that the immensity of the past world ages, left the survivors with an intense fear of God. I now believe, that if we are truly to face another one of these devastating events, all logical explanations for it will go out the window. What will survive, will most likely be stories of how God saw fit to punish mankind with a great ball of fire.

Oddly enough, even now, I have felt the pressure, not to explain what I have discovered in my research in a literal sense. I am at a loss for why there seems to be a need by some, to maintain a totally mystical view of cause, and effect in the world. Personally, I have no problem with accepting scientific explanations for why things behave as they do. Regardless of the form of the explanation, everything can still be traced back to the Creator. True wisdom is the ability to maintain the balance between the divine, and the physical. To understand the universe, you need to understand both.

I was also surprised to find, that some of the prophecies included descriptions of past world ages. In most cases, this information was relayed in the context, that these were repetitive events. What our ancestors had recorded about previous world cleansings, were going to come to pass again. The recent realization by the scientific community, that the earth may not be finished with its evolution through periods of mass destruction, should only serve to reinforce what our ancient ancestors, and the prophets, keep trying to tell us. It is not a question of whether this kind of age ending event will occur again, it was only a question of when.

It is the main purpose of this writing, to attempt to establish exactly when, this when will be. The reason for doing this of coarse is, just in case someone might be interested in preparing for this global disaster. One of the big problems with this topic, in getting anyone to believe it is. I cannot point to the danger, and say; there it is. Here it comes. All you have to do is measure the speed of it to know, it will be here in 7 years. This might be a good time to get ready for it.

As it has been recorded in the past, and as the prophets talk about it in the future, this great cataclysm is to occur very suddenly. It comes from out of the blue, (so to speak). By the time anybody will realize the possibility of the danger, they will have a month at the most to verify it. Most people will never know what hit them. This is the way it has always been. This is the way it is to be. Still for those who want to know, I have found that the prophecies include, a fair amount of information concerning what we should look for during the last 50 years before this event, as well as descriptions of the event itself.

Through the coarse of this writing, I intend to present all of these signs, and the destruction’s in a sequential manner, which should follow the order in which they are to happen. Before moving into this aspect of the prophecies however, I want to establish as firmly as possible, the fact that these global destruction’s which both the ancients, and the prophets call, the end of a world age, have occurred in the past, and will continue to happen in the future. In this chapter, I am going to explore what the prophets say we can expect at the end of a world age. In these statements by the prophets they will compare what has happened in the past to what is to come in the future. In many cases these will be surprising confirmations of the ancient texts.

As I go through the predictions I believe it is important to note how the time of these catastrophes is most often referred to as the end of an age, by both the legends, and the prophets. I hope you will find as I have, that the use of this term in describing this event, is more encompassing than most of the other terms you may have heard it called. There is more involved during this time than either the physical destruction, or the spiritual ramifications. It is not just Armageddon. It is not just The Judgment Day. It is not just people coming out of their graves, or the Rapture. Indeed these things are only a part of the whole picture. I believe that this is a process of renewal, for the earth, and all life on this planet. This is not just for the sake of what man has done, or not done, even though his ego would like to believe it is so.

Virtually every prophet has gone beyond predicting major earth changes, to describe the nature of these cycles of renewal called world ages. These description do not always match those we commonly here in church. But, I believe they are from the same foundation as all the stories found in every major religious text around the world In every case, the dialog in these texts describes a time of destruction followed by a rebirth. As you continue to study these stories, it soon becomes apparent that everything, including the universe itself goes through this process of birth, growth, expansion, contraction, and death, only to be reborn again. From the quantum particles, that come into existence, then vanish at the same instant, all the way up to the Cosmos, nothing can escape this process.

I think the prophecies tend to verify, that the descriptions of world age events are rather absolute. There are certain calamities the earth goes through during these times, which are universal to this event. This is not to say that the causes of every world age are exactly the same. From what I can gather there are several potential instigators of this event. They can happen separately, or together. What is universal is degree of the devastation, which produces similar effects on the earth’s crust, it’s atmosphere, and it’s orientation in the solar system.

>From the perspective of prophecy, I would also point out, that in my analogy of this event being as a wave approaching this reality, what we are talking about here is a tsunami issuing from the ‘source’. These things are by comparison to other events, rather unmistakable. Indeed, I believe it has been the downfall of lesser prophets, who have seen a view of this greater wave, to attempt to predict all the lesser events leading up to it.

Besides the inherent element of chaos in our universe which I believe would not allow anyone to do this, do we really need to know when every earthquake, will happen? Every change in the weather, or who is president? By comparison, what we are looking at here, is something, which would rival the extinction of the dinosaurs. Something global in nature. An event which will change the features of the earth’s surface. Result in the extinction of 70% of the life forms on the planet. Change in the length of the year, the time of the seasons, and the orientation of north, south, east, and west.

Of one thing I am fairly certain. If, and when this kind of thing should happen, the likelihood that the end of the world will come at midnight December 31, 1999, is highly unlikely. I would find it very hard to believe, that the time clock of the worlds evolution, would follow a schedule which was derived from the mind of man. So, as we begin to look at the signs leading up to it, and the final event itself, lets throw out the calendars. Let’s assume for the moment, that we do not know it is near a new millennium. Instead we will look for any other conditions, which would indicate, that we may be near the end of an age. Then we might ask, are these things unique to this period, or could they be applied to what has happened in the past?

If we should find any evidence concerning circumstances which would yield a consistent response to these perimeters, then we should have an answer, which could confirm the approach of the end of another great world age. After all, this is what we really want to know. So let’s keep this goal in mind as we continue, because as it will become apparent, most predictions include a host of information. Only some of it, may apply to the things we are looking for. The following predictions, appear to be about the final years, before a great destruction. Although some of them, would fit any number of time frames, one or two, sound a little too familiar to me.

The Baghavad Gita
The Hindu holy text; The Bhagavad Gita (The Lord’s Song), is a poetic representation of a discussion between Krishna, and his disciple Arjuna about the nature of the universe, and man’s place in it. I have personally found it to be, one of the most inspiring of the great religious works. Although small, when compared to other religious texts, you might say that quality has little to do with quantity.

It is believed, that this work was first put in writing around 300 BC. The actual age of the story, and whether it depicts real events or not, is a topic of debate. It is written in verse, which would confirm it’s original preservation in the form of a song. Before the written word, many early stories, were passed down, generation to generation, in that form. If this is so, the wisdom within this text, may have existed for thousands of years before the actual writing. Having spent time in India, I have little doubt, that all aspects of the story, however fantastic they may seem, are reality.

The verses I include here, are about the nature of ages. In his statements to Arjuna, Krishna seems to make it clear, about how these ages are repetitive. They have happened many times in the past, and will continue to occur in the future. For this reason, I believe these verses about the cycle of ages in the universe are prophetic in nature.

I would also like to point out, that besides the similarity between the names Krishna, and Christ, if one should take the time to study this key figure of the Hindu faith, I believe you will find a number of similar traits between these two sons of the divine. Both figures are believed to be the embodiment of God by their respective religions. Both made comments to the effect that everyone is divine. In order to exemplify this, it might be worth considering how this story came to be recorded.

At the time the information in the Gita was being given to Krishna’s disciple Arjuna, Krishna had put everyone in the vicinity asleep. So essentially, there was no one near them who could see what as going on. In a castle some miles away from this scene, there was a sage named Sanjaya. He was allowed to see, and hear what was going on in his minds eye. This is how the verse was recorded. Sometime after ‘the song’ was given, Arjuna asked Krishna to repeat something He had said during their original encounter. Krishna replied, that he was in touch with the ,source, at that moment, and remembered nothing of what He said. Sounds a little like the way Edgar Cayce, and those who have had visions of the Virgin Mary experienced their contact with this higher power. If it is the same source, would it not have to be transferred in the same way?

Chapter 8 verse 17
The people who know the day of Brahma a thousand ages(Yugas) in duration and the night, a thousand ages in ending, they know day and night.

My Interpretation
This verse has been used to demonstrate, that the ancient Hindu's, have known the age of the universe for some time. Some people have even figured out, that a thousand Yugas, would equal 6 plus billion years, the currently accepted age of the universe. However, I don't think it would be quite accurate to figure it this way.

Brahma is the God of existence. He is the material out of which, all forms are made. Both in the physical, and the etheric. A day of Brahma, would have to be the time, when there is light in the universe. The cosmos could also be expanding during this time. The night of Brahma, would be when all the material generating light in the universe, has been consumed. Obviously, this would result in a condition of darkness, and/or contraction.

Since there is now light in the heavens, we know we are currently in a day of Brahma. At what time during that day, is still a question. Are we at the 500 Yuga point? Have 639 Yuga's past yet? I have seen nothing to tell us anything about this. Nor, does the exact time from now to the beginning of the 'day' seem to be of great importance. I think the implication here is simply, that it is a very long time.

Of more importance, is the use of the terms 'day' and 'night', in relationship to cycles of existence, non-existence of the Cosmos. This would seem to indicate, that these cycles are repetitive, as days, and nights on earth. Within the days, and nights of the universe, there are great Yugas (ages). And, within the great ages, are smaller ones. This is how things are divided. Just as earth ages are delineated by major events, so it may be for a galaxy, and the whole universe.

As we see in all of the other prophecies about ages, Krishna makes reference to the knowledge of these cycles, is an aspect of science. Knowledge of the physical nature of things, even if you knew all about the construct of the physical form (Brahma), this would only enlighten you about those things which are temporary. There is something beyond this, which is permanent. That is the knowledge, which is worth having.

Chapter 9, verse 10
Under Me as supervisor, Nature(Prakriti) sends forth the moving an unmoving: because for this, O Kaunteya, the universe revolves.

My Interpretation
I have found this to be a rather fascinating verse, which not only incorporates the aspect of the divine through the trinity, which is proclaimed as the foundation of our existence by most major religions, but also mentions motion, as a necessary part of the state of the cosmos. This concept as I have come to understand it, would be as God is the clay out of which the universe is created. The Son is the supervisor who conceives the form of the universe. This form however, is caused by his creation the forces of Nature (the holy ghost) which establishes the motion from which the physical form is created.

Thus we could say then, that all forms of life are the ‘moving’, and the ‘unmoving’, would be all solid physical forms. It may be more likely however, that the words ‘moving’, and ‘unmoving, apply, to those things of the physical (moving), and the spiritual (unmoving). Our souls for example, are not affected by time, and space. They are therefore on the level of the unmoving. What some people may find hard to comprehend about this concept is, that even the soul can be subject to the forces of Nature (Satan).

This concept is not really against tradition, if you consider, that the soul may also be a form of energy. There is some evidence that at least a portion of our being is electromagnetic energy. According to most scriptures there is something even beyond this, which is God himself. Therefore, in our quest to find the divine, we must not only transcend our physical nature, we must also go beyond the soul as well. It is our final goal then to merge with the highest aspect of the divine, which is beyond all lower forms of energy.

It is generally assumed, that the universe is expanding. There is little mention, that it also may be revolving. But, there is nothing to say it is not. There are several references in other verses, to the universe revolving, as though mounted on a potters wheel. This is also the image represented, in the ‘Dance of Shiva’. Perhaps someday, the scientists will confirm this ancient knowledge. It may be of interest to know, that a scientific theory, which would correspond to this notion of a revolving universe, is just now emerging. This new view claims, that there is no real evidence for the big bang. Something else must have started the universe in motion, which caused it to come into existence all at once.

Perhaps there should be more study of these ancient texts in this regards. Personally, I have always found it fascinating, how their descriptions, in many cases, portray some of the most exotic scientific explanations, in very simplistic terms. Nor, do I doubt, that some sages have been given the explanation of how the universe came into being.

Chapter 8, verse 18
From the Unmanifested all the manifested stream forth at the coming of day; at the coming of night they dissolve even in That called the Unmanifested.

My Interpretation
Beyond Brahma, there is the highest form of God, which is called the Unmanifested. The manifested, those things which are representative of Brahma, stream forth (with the initiation of motion), at the start of a day in the universe. Then, when the universe collapses, apparently it reverts back into the higher form of the Unmanifested .

This process is also referred to, as the breath of Brahma. I find this imagery is fascinating. The universe being exhaled, out of some great mouth of God, then inhaled, only to be exhaled again. This concept could start me on an in-depth discussion on the nature of black holes and what is one the other side of them, but for the purpose of this writing, my use of this verse here is to reinforce the nature of cycles in the universe

Chapter 8, verse 19
This multitude of beings, going forth repeatedly, is dissolved at the coming of night; by ordination, O partha (bread), it streams forth at the coming of day.

My Interpretation
In this verse, Krishna is saying, that living beings are destroyed at the coming of night, and come forth again at the coming of day. The term dissolved, would be appropriate to what happens in the in dissemination of the universe. But, these days, and nights could also be looked upon as cycles of birth, and death. Whether that be an individual life time, or that of a civilization, the earth, the sun, or the universe. There is a continual ebb, and flow of energy which creates, and destroys.

The word repeatedly, would infer this process will continue, as long as, over a coarse of time which is beyond definition. There are a couple of recent scientific enlightenment’s, which I believe correspond to this ancient text. It is now believed that life is an inherent part of existence. It comes with the creation, or existence of the universe. When the conditions are right it will always happen. It must therefore be a part of the forces of Nature which must be a part of any manifestation of the physical from through the repeating cycles of creation, destruction of infinite universes.

Chapter 9, verse 7
All beings, O Kaunteya, enter my lower nature at the end of a world-age; at the beginning of a world-age again I emanate them.

My Interpretation
As an expansion of the previous verses, He now states, that the night, indeed symbolizes a darker (lower) nature. All living things will drawn towards this form, towards the end of a world age. By lower nature, one would have to assume, that this would involve the more violent, and perverse side to life, as exemplified in times of war. This could also relate to the Jewish tradition, that the end will come when all souls have taken the physical form.

At the day, or beginning of the next age, a new assortment of life emerges according to the divine directive. From this statement, we know that during the time of the night, most life forms on earth, will be eliminated. Therefore, whatever the cause of the end of a world age, it must be major, to say the least. Through the coarse of the analysis of the coming predictions, we are going to see several possibilities for the physical causes of the end of an age. Again, I will also say, that in spite of my attempts to qualify these disasters by the physical laws which could cause them to manifest, I do not loose track of the fact, that there is an under pinning of divine cause, and effect.

As with most scriptures, the Gita combines the aspect of the divine with the forces of nature. You will notice, that the previous verse is the only one of all those listed, which incorporates the term world age. The word Yuga has also been interpreted as world age. It is more likely however, to represent an even greater span of time, of between 10, and 100 million years. These greater ages are usually associated with the evolution of life on this planet. From ameba, to fish, to beast, to ape, to man.

I have included all references in the Gita to the nature of ages, because I believe regardless of period of time involved, the process of evolution through the process of creation, and destruction is basically the same. We are also going to see this process included in virtually every prophecy about the progression of the earth through world ages. Nostradamus, Cayce, The Mother Mary all say, that prior to the end of an age, things will grow darker in nature. This is not only in a physical way, but in the form of energy as well. This darkness will culminate in a period where the sun is actually blotted out from the sky, for 30 or more days. After this will come the great new dawn of the new age.

Chapter 9, verse 8
Hidden in Nature, which is Mine own, I emanate again and again all this multitude of beings, helpless, by the force of Nature.

My Interpretation
As the force which sustains the physical universe, the divine power manifests itself through the forces of Nature. As such, the end of an age, must be something which can be seen as a part of natural forces. This must by definition, be some kind of physical event. Here again, we are left to imagine what kind of physical catastrophe, could be big enough, to destroy all beings in the world.

Not long ago, it was believed, that we were going to cause our own destruction, by the means of atomic bombs. I do not believe this possibility would qualify, either in relation to this verse, or any of the other prophecies I have come across, as the source of the age ending annihilations. It may be likely, that a coming war could result in the use of nuclear weapons, but, this in itself, would not be the cause of any final resolution. Nor, would it be something, that could be regarded as a repetitive cause of world ages.

The key word here of coarse it ‘repetitive’. Most of the major religions of the world acknowledge this never ending cycle. Many have incorporated ways to foretell when the end of the next age will be. This is probably best exemplified in the Mayan calendar. In every case the Messiah’s of different teachings, return after the destruction subsides, to lay the foundation for those who have survived, to mark the time of the next age. In the Buddhist tradition this knowledge has been preserved in the beautiful symbolic form of the breath, and heart beat of the living earth, which necessitates the progression of world ages. These heartbeats occur every 10,000 to 25,000 years.

Chapter 10, verse 6
The seven great Rishis, the ancient Four(The four Kumaras, or Virgin Youths, the highest in the Occult Hierarchy of this earth), and also the Manus(The heads and legislators of a race), were born of My nature and Mind; of them this race was generated.

My Interpretation
I have included this verse, as a further reference to the divine evolution of nature. With the creation of life, a path back to the source is given. Leaders, or teachers, are a part of the initial creation of a life form. It is out of these master molds, the rest of living beings are generated. It is also out of these forms, the lessons are given, to sustain that form of life in the physical world.

As I have previously mentioned, we are all connected to the source though this hierarchy of divine beings. You can see this structure, in the different ways from which the prophecies are given. For instance, those beings who were connected to Mr. Cayce, were probably not those through which Nostradamus received his visions. Neither of these prophets, mentioned seeing the Virgin Mary, who was acknowledged as the source of many other prophecies. Nor, did they mention aliens, or Jesus who were the inspiration of several other visions. Instead, they were connected to their own lineage, through which they could access the higher realms.

In this verse, the top of the hierarchy is listed. This group comes after the Trinity; the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, in the Hindu form). Rishis are Seers. There are seven of them, who represent the 7 chakras, or the 7 points of awareness, through which we all perceive the universe. These seven levels, are the foundation, for the construction of all forms of existence.

The four Kumaras, are the forms of man which are represented by demeanor. Those of the king, the warrior, the farmer or businessman, and the servant. The Manu’s are the original form of the various races, as in Chinese, Caucasian, African etc. This of coarse, would include all the various races, and corresponding languages. Of these forms, the present races were generated. As we evolve, there will be new forms of these beings, who will be the master mold, out of which the next generation of beings will come.

Chapter 4, verse 6
Though unborn, the Imperishable Self, and also the Lord of all beings brooding over nature, which is Mine own yet I am born through My own Power. (Maya, the power of thought that produces form, which is transient and therefore unreal compared with the eternal Reality; hence Maya comes to be taken as the power of producing illusion.)

My Interpretation
The most accomplished souls, are capable of creating a physical body, without the use of normal biological functions. This verse would comply with the virgin birth of Jesus in that way. He had the power to create his body in Mary’s womb without the process of biological conception. In India, there are stories of many souls who have demonstrated this kind of power.

Sai Baba can create things apparently out of nothing. From gold rings, and chains to any kind of food. It is not unimaginable, that a greater deity could create a body, at his own will. Thus, a virgin birth, can be acknowledged as a sign of the reincarnation of one of the highest forms of God. If a Messiah is now among us, his birth would of had to have been in this form. I have included this verse, because several prophecies indicate, that a savior of this magnitude is now among us. This verse would also comply with the traditional teachings of Christianity which say, that when Christ returns, he will manifest Himself as He was at the time He was crucified.

Chapter 4, verse 7
Whenever there is decay of righteousness(dharma) and there is exaltation of unrighteousness(adharma, the opposite of dharma all that is disorderly, and against the nature of things.), then I Myself come forth;

My Interpretation
A decay of righteousness would be associated with the entry of beings into a lower nature, which has been referenced in the previous verses. Therefore, the divine being may be born at the end of, or more likely at the beginning of a world age.

Chapter 4, verse 8
For the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers, for the sake of firmly establishing righteousness(dharma) I am born from age to age.

My Interpretation
Apparently God himself, or what will be perceived as a great Messiah, will come, either at the end of, or the beginning of, a world age. Although in the Western beliefs we have lost track of the Messiah’s before Jesus, in India, they have a record of at least the last two, or three.

The form of God, which came forth for the current age is Krishna. For the previous age it was Rama. For the age before that, it was Hannaman. According to the White Brotherhood, the savior for the next age, could be Mayatra. Whoever it is, they could be here now.

It would also be likely, that both the Holy Ghost, and the Son (Christ), would be present at the end of an age. The first is necessary for the reign of destruction, and the second for the renewal. As the play continues, we may come to know who these souls are.

Chapter 9, verse 11
The foolish disregard Me, when clad in human semblance, ignorant of My supreme nature, the great Lord of beings;

My Interpretation
It seems to be a common state of affairs, that when He returns, those of the old dogmatic traditions, will not recognize Him. Just as it was with Jesus Christ. Sometimes I think, that part of the destruction is necessitated, by the decay of religion into rules, and edicts, which are not really the nature of the ‘true’ teachings. These things have to be torn down, from generation, to generation, as they stagnate in their rigidity. If we are indeed at the end of an age, then the supreme being must return to accomplish this task. Also, since prophecy is a part of the divine form, all the prophecies must be fulfilled. At least those prophecies which are true.
Mayan Calendar
There is apparently a version of the Mayan calendar, which is said to end in December, 2012. This does not mean however, that the primary means of tracking time, in the Mayan system, will end. From the currently accepted starting date of their calendar, to the present, there have been 67 points, that could also be interpreted as ending times. The last of these would have been February 13th, 1934.

I have found myself wondering, if it was just coincidence, that this last ending point was in the middle of the period when Edgar Cayce was giving his earth changes readings. In addition, two of these points occurred during the life time of Nostradamus, who happened to be writing his quatrains while the Mayan civilization was being destroyed by the Conquistadors. The problem is however, that it is too easy to go back, and point out events such as these, which may have just coincidentally, simultaneously occurred at the ‘0’ points on this calendar.

In addition, the debate continues, as to exactly what the corresponding dates between the Gregorian, and Mayan calendar are. What is given now, was mainly determined, by attempting to compare, events in the early 1500’s, which were noted with the dates of both calendars. Those times were written down by one or two Spanish Monks, who supposedly came to understand the Indian way of life, including their calendar. They made an effort to use their dating system, along with the Julian dates in their notes. From there the Julian dates had to be translated to the Gregorian dates we use now. The fact may still be, that the comparative dates are only a good estimate.

One thing you cannot dispute, is the remarkable construct of this dating system. It is acknowledged to have been the most accurate calendar in the world, until the creation of the Gregorian system in 1582. Their calendar tracked the cycles of Venus, the Moon, and the Sun. It is also believed, that there are references to the other known planets. But, as with many other things of this nature, I think this calendar has taken on a life of its own, in recent times. There is probably more being read into it now, than was there originally.

For instance, some believe this system indicates something about changes in DNA sequences, and reality shifts into the 4th dimension. Although I would admit to the possibility, that we may be exposed to some energy levels which could cause momentary shifts in awareness, along with genetic changes, I would find it hard to believe the Mayans would be concerned about documenting these things. I believe the Mayan view of the world was probably beyond current theories about the evolution of DNA, and genetics.

Also, the age ending date in 2012, although it is close, does not match the dates given by the other prophets. Thus, we are faced with the possibility, that either a mistake was made in translating the dates from the Mayan to the Gregorian calendar, or 2012 might only be an approximation of an end time. Since the Julian calendar was being used by the monks who were transposing dates from this calendar to the Mayan format, something could have been lost as the dates were compared through two calendar systems. In 1582 the when Gregorian calendar was adopted, the Spanish only occupied Mayan territory for a few short years.

Of most interest to me, are the key transitions, in the construction of this time keeping device. First, is the year 3113 BC. This has been calculated to be the beginning year of the Mayan Calendar. It was from this point, the days accumulated. In other words, this time would be their 0 year date. Until around 97 BC, Venus, and the Moon were the primary indicators of time. After that, a record of the Sun was added.

Certainly, if you subscribe to the idea, that this calendar was designed to predict the end of the next age, then it would have most likely been constructed shortly after the last age. What other reason could there be to select the 3000 BC starting date? Did the Mayans just pick this date out of the blue? Every other calendar on earth, has a starting date which is associated with a major historical event; whether that be, the creation of the world, the birth of Christ, or a fleeing of Mohammed. It would seem to me, it is more than likely, that around the year 3100 BC there was a major earth shaking event.

There could also have been a lesser occurrence around 100 BC. Can you come up with another reason why the Mayans began tracking the sun in their calendar in 97 BC? Was it just coincidence that just a few years after this Julius Caesar, changed the Roman Calendar from being based on Lunar cycles, to being based on Solar cycles. Caesar introduced the Julian calendar in 44 BC. This system was to become the foundation for the Gregorian calendar which we use today. So were the Mayans, and the Romans communicating somehow about calendar problems of the day? Was this the result of an edict of the universal consciousness, that may should suddenly switch from following the moon to tracking the sun to establish the time of the seasons? Or, did something else happen in our solar system to force him to change the calendars?

Since so many early calendars were based on phases of the moon, some scholars have theorized, that at one time there were exactly 10 or 12 full moons in one solar year. They claim, that if this were not so, then these lunar calendars would rapidly fall out of phase with the seasons. They suggest, that something must have happened, a century or two before birth of Christ which changed this relationship. Could it be, that some of the Greek stories describing battles in the heavens, were trying to portray the moon being struck by an asteroid? Could this have changed the lunar orbit to the degree, that the calendars had to be changed? More to ponder.

Another dimension to the story of calendars concerns the coincidence of the Mayan starting date of 3113 BC, and the date of 3765 BC, which according to Hebrew traditions, is when the world was created (which could also be interpreted as when this New World Age began). Before you say that 600 years is not really that close, you should keep in mind, that as we go further back in history, the dates become more, and more approximate. We are going back and extrapolating dates through several different calendar systems. Over a span of 6 thousand years an error of 10% is not out of hand. This kind of deviation would also be well within the norm of carbon dating which is used to establish the age of past civilizations. Be aware that it is a fact that the further we go back in time, the greater the deviation will be. This is scientific fact.

Archeologists currently believe, that the Mayan age only lasted for a few hundred years. They know it ended in 1535, with the conquest of the Spaniards. In spite of what has been offered by the scientific community, it would be my best guess, that they really have nothing to prove how long the Mayan civilization actually existed before this. I believed there is some kind of phobia in the world of those sciences which study our ancient ancestors, which blocks them from believing the Mayan culture could have been around for more than 500 years. Is there some reason, that the Roman Empire could last for more than an 1000 years, but the Mayans could not?

At issue here, is the originating date of the Mayan Calendar. Because the scientists believe that the Mayan civilization only lasted from the year 1000 or so, to the 1500’s, the first day of their calendar in 3113 BC is considered to be strictly mythological in origin. I would tend to question this idea, on the basis that even if the Mayan culture was of a shorter duration, the teachings of the Mexican, and South American civilizations, were probably kept by those of the priestly cast. These people did not necessarily align themselves with any culture, rather, they more aptly considered themselves as, keepers of the wisdom.

Call them, shaman, priest, lama, or yogi, by any name, these men of knowledge, exist in every culture of the world. There is no reason to believe, that the lessons of the Toltecs, were not passed down through the later generations, of Aztecs, and Mayans, by these men of knowledge. This is what Don Juan told Castinada. The teachings he was giving had been handed down through many civilizations of the Americas. I also believe, that the current scientific beliefs about the age of the cultures in the Americas, are grossly underestimated. There is no reason not to believe, that some of the temples found in Mexico, and South America are any less ancient than the Sphinx. As the age of this structure is now being put closer to the date given by Edgar Cayce, of over 10,000 years, I would not consider it unreasonable, to date some of the American structures in this range either.

Edgar Cayce

Many of Edgar Cayce’s readings about earth changes, are related to the ‘pole shift’ he said would be coming soon. Although this may be the climax of new age, it could not be the sole cause of all the changes in his readings. Unfortunately, he was not very clear in his statements about how the causes, and effects would relate. The only thing we have to go on, is that he does say certain things will happen before others. This is our best indicator of multiple forces, causing a succession of events during these times.

During the period when he gave most of the earth changes readings, he also talked about ancient Egypt, Atlantis, and the like. This tended to add to the confusion surrounding these readings. Sometimes, he would talk about past age events, which could be understood as a future age prediction. I believe, that most of the apparent meandering in his readings, was due to his efforts to describe the interrelationships between our eternal souls, and the earth changes which come at the end of a world age.

Since I am concentrating here on age ending events in the near future, I have found it necessary to highlight statements in the body of the readings, that I believe pertain to what I am discussing. A reading the highlighted portions, should make sense unto themselves. If nothing, else I think you could consider them a summary of what the reading was about. There are times however, when he discusses several topics in the same reading. In these cases I have attempted to isolate the various topics for analysis which also results in my using the same reading in several different chapters.

Although you could say, that I am taking some things out of context, I hope you will see that the readings are difficult to decipher unless you do. Again, this is because he is actually is attempting to talk about several different things at once. It should be pointed out, that this is not at all unusual in spiritual discourses. In most cases, although the words themselves look like an incoherent rambling, the people present at the time, will each hear what they have the capacity to hear. Most of the time no two people will get the same meaning from it. Also remember, that from the view of the source, there is no time. All of these things are related. From this perspective it is sometimes impossible to talk about one thing, without mentioning the broader relationships.

Edgar Cayce, Reading 5748-5 6/30/32
1. GC) You will please give at this time detailed information regarding the origin, purpose and prophecies of the Great Pyramid of Giza near Cairo, Egypt. Please answer the questions asked.
2. EC) Yes. In the information as respecting the pyramids, their purpose in the experience of the peoples, in the period when there was the rebuilding of the priest during the return in the land, some 10,500 years before the coming of the Christ into the land, there was first that attempt to restore and to add to that which had been begun on what is called the Sphinx, and the treasure or storehouse facing same, between this and the Nile, in which those records were kept by Arart and Araaraart in the period.
4. This, then, receives all the records from the beginnings of that given by the priest, Arart, Araaraart and Ra, to that period when there is to be the change in the earth’s position and return of the Great Initiate to that and other lands for the folding up of those prophecies that are depicted there. All changes that came in the religious thought in the world are shown there, in the variations in which the passage through same is reached, from the base to the top - or to the open tomb AND the top. These are signified by both the layer and the color in what direction the turn is made.

My Interpretation
I believe the first portion of this reading (2) refers to the last world age event. The ‘rebuilding, and return to the land’, was what happened after the sinking of Atlantis. In other readings, the date he gave for this occurrence, was the same as he referenced here, 10,500 BC. Even though the debate still rages about whether Atlantis really existed, scientists generally do agree that something very catastrophic happened in various parts of the earth at that time in history. However, the question of whether there are ruins at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, may never be answered.

Recent discoveries are showing the construction of Stone Hinge to have began shortly after 10,500 BC. Sunken structures found around the Mediterranean, are also being associated with this same time period. We are only now coming to grips with the fact, that ancient civilizations existed during this time period. The legends say, that after their land sank below the sea, the people of Atlantis re-populated the area now known as Egypt. This story, is what Mr. Cayce seems to be repeating in part 2 of this reading.

Line number 4, is about the coming age ending event. The records buried near the Sphinx are suppose to tell of the previous ages, and of those times to come. They are suppose to be found when we are ready to receive them. He also says, that the Messiah (Great Initiate) returns during these end times. This we will find complies with a host of other predictions as well.

Edgar Cayce, Reading 5249-1
Ice, nature, God changed the poles and the animals were destroyed.

My Interpretation
This quote probably contributed to George Hapgood’s theory on the shifting of the earth’s crust. It is obviously a reference, to a past pole shift. Certainly, any rapid flip of the earth, or of its crust, will cause a great destruction of life on the planet. How ice, nature, and God, might be the cause of this movement, is as yet, a scientific mystery. The only explanation which has any support at all was presented by George Hapgood. It should be noted however, that main stream science has kept their distance from his ideas, which for the most part gained him nothing but rebuke from this community.

Hapgood’s theory was, that if the build up of ice at the poles should become off centered, it might create enough momentum to cause a shift in the earth’s crust. Cayce never really gave Hapgood a definitive yes, or no to the validity of his theory. His response to Hapgood in another reading stated, that the cause of the shift was something which originates at the earth’s core. When I first came across Hapgood’s theories, I considered them to be the most likely possibility for how land masses could be reoriented to the earth’s poles. This theory would explain an number of geologic anomalies including why the last ice age extended over North America, but not Russia a the same latitude. In addition, who could doubt Einstein’s tentative support of Hapgood’s ideas. But, now I am not so sure.

If you consider Cayce’s reference to nature, as including those forces within the earth, which are responsible for the movement of the tectonic plates, volcanoes, and earthquakes, then the door is open to other possibilities for a ‘pole shift’. The fact is, that we know very little about what goes on in the depths of this planet. It is entirely possible that there are certain conditions which can develop between the core, and the crust to cause the earth to reorient itself. Current studies indicate a shifting of weight from the glacial ice at the poles to the equatorial ocean waters, might at least trigger a change in the earth’s shape.

All of the prophets say, that there is a divine influence at work in the age ending process. If this is true, then God must have a greater plan for the evolution of the earth. It would be worth keeping in mind, that since any true vision of the future can only be inspired from the 'highest' form of creation, then even the prophecies themselves must be a part of this plan.

Edgar Cayce, Reading
Scientific change, has been found, by the observation into the terrestrial forces, and into those places, and conditions, about the earth's planes, where there is missing, some one of the earth's companions, or planets, and the combustion or destruction of the same, caused much changes.

My Interpretation
Certainly, over the history of our solar system, there have been other planetoid objects in proximity to the earth. The asteroid belt, is now believed to the remnants of a planet, that didn’t form. The creation of our moon, is believed to have been the result of a collision with the earth, and an object about 1/3rd of its mass. It could very well be, that at least some of the asteroids which have collided with the earth in ancient history, are from the remains of a planetoid that was either orbiting the earth, or in an earth crossing obit at one time.

There are over a hundred ‘streams’ of debris in proximity to the earth’s orbit which have been identified as the remains of comets passing through the earth’s orbit. Several of the ancient Greek legends, describe heavenly wars between the gods. Since these gods were associated with the known planets, these stories may have depicted a real event in the heavens. Could the spectacular nature of the descriptions, correspond to the destruction of a near earth planetoid. Perhaps this is what Cayce was referring to.

Edgar Cayce, Reading 311-10 11/19/32
Q) Would it be well for me to make a study of astrology?
A) Will for everyone to make a study of astrology! For, as indicated, while many individuals have set about to prove the astrological aspects and astrological survey enable one to determine future as well as the past conditions, these are well to the point where the individual understands that these act upon individuals because of their sojourn or correlation of their associations with the environs through which these are shown - see? Rather than the star directing the life, the life of the individual directs the courses of the stars, see? For was it not given when His star appeared? Is it not shown in all the studies of the positions that the earth occupies in its course through the spheres that every condition is as cause and effect? But that the scale has gradually been on the increase for the individuals as they passed through their various experiences in the cycles of position? This is not intended to indicate that (as some astrological reports have been made) there is a definite period when individuals enter a cycle, or that every 2,000 or 1,000, or 500, or 2,400 years an individual re-enters the earth; but as a race, as a whole does the 2,400 years period hold good, see? For in each period does the earth, do the planets, do all of those about space again revert to that it would begin over again. The individual activity is a thing of itself, see? For, as may be illustrated in Life - as of an individual: It may be said that the line of thought in the present is towards a change in the Aries age from the Pisces, or from the Aquarius, or to those various activities, see? But it doesn’t mean that every individual changes, for each individual has its own development. As we look about us we see the various spheroid, spheres, planets or solar systems, and they have their individual activity. Look at the soul of man and know it may be equal to, or greater; for it must be man’s ability to control one of such! Vast study yes!

My Interpretation
Mr. Cayce addresses several interesting points in this reading. One of which, concerns the astrological question; do the stars control us, or do we control the stars? His answer seems to imply, that we control the stars. At first, this would seem to be a rather fantastic statement. Obviously, the average person is not able to instigate a Nova explosion whenever they want to. So how is it, that we may control the stars? In order to understand this, we will have to unravel some other apparent ramblings in this reading.

Actually, I think what Mr. Cayce is attempting to explain here, is the complicated relationship of the development of the individual soul, through space, and time. Looking towards the end of the reading, we find the statement that each soul has its own rate of development. It’s activities are distinct from everything else, and yet we may be a part of a ‘race’ of souls, or more aptly a whole group of souls who are evolving together. Each soul may enter a cycle (an age) at a time when they need to do so, to fulfill their own growth.

He also says that a group of souls, may come to earth at specific times. In this case, he uses an example of a 2,400 year period to say, that these groups usually return in a specific length of time. Although, I don’t believe he intended to mean, the 2,400 year figure to be an absolute, he does take the meaning of these periods another step further. He says, that this kind of period, would relate to a time when the earth, and other planets in the universe, revert to a point, where things would begin over again. This description could be about nothing other than, the end of a world age. What is most perplexing about the time period he gives here, is that it seems to contradict the 10,500 year figure we saw earlier. Could world ages be as short as 2,400 years? If so, why isn’t there records of these global events, within the relatively recent past? Are there smaller ages which occur every 2,400 years or so, and greater ages every 12,000 years?

It is unfortunate that we do not have a more accurate dating of the relics of our ancestors. Without this information we can only assume that there may indeed be smaller cataclysmic events which occur every 2 or 3 millennia. That a greater destruction caused by a shifting of the poles would happen at a lesser frequency. As we have seen from the legends, and the evolution of calendars, there is indeed evidence for perhaps a lesser cataclysmic event taking place at the 2,400 year cycle. The question remains however, if a pole shift occurs this frequently? If so then we have a conflict with the orientation of the pyramids. If a pole shift had occurred since its construction, it would not now be sitting in a perfect North South delineation. Thus if either the pyramids were constructed after the last 2,400 year cycle, or these smaller ‘renewals’ did not include this event.

Perhaps in another writing I will more attempt to organize evidence for the occurrence of various degrees of catastrophic events in the last 12,000 years. For now let’s take what Cayce says in this reading as another confirmation of the fact that this scale of event happens much more frequently than is now supposed. Another important point in this reading, with regards to what to look for during the period just before the end of an age is, Cayce’s inference that most souls will return towards the end of the cycle, to be renewed for the next cycle. A quick look at the current world population statistics, will tell you, that every group of souls, ever to exist must be here at this time. So, now the question is; why? Why is it we come back at these times? What is it we are learning, if anything? For the answer we have to go to the end of the reading.

Here he says, that it is within the capacity of the soul of man to control larger spheres within scope of the universe, including, planets, or solar systems. Sounds pretty fantastic doesn’t it? That you could create, and control your own planet. But if you consider, that we are born as souls, at the same time as the creation of the universe, over the vast amount of time this form exists, what is our ultimate capacity? From my own experiences, I would have to say, there appears to be no end, to what is out there to learn. Our only limitation is the capacity to use it.

As we attain to that capacity, each of us may become a savior, for a world such as this one, or perhaps another one, we have had a hand in creating. Thus the lines; the life of the individual directs the courses of the stars, see? For was it not given when His star appeared? In other words, He is an example of what we can be. Just as Jesus said, ‘you shall do even greater works than I’, within each of us is the capacity to be as connected to the ‘Father’ as He is.

With this kind of power, the star which appeared at the time of His birth, could have been created for the occasion by Him. It could also be, that His birth purposely, coincided with a particular conjunction of stars. Christ fulfilled many different prophecies about His coming. The timing of His actions, also coincided with unusual movements in the stars. For example, the conjunction of Jupiter, and Venus, just prior to His birth, was the sign that probably started the Wise men on their quest to find the divine being, who would be a product of this union.

When a great soul enters the body, things change. This is because these beings are more connected to the ‘source’ of the creation. Thus all of their actions will be a reflection of what is going on in the heavens, and on earth. It is this relationship, each of us must develop to be a part of that creative force. It is only in this form, that we will be able to realize out true ability to control one of such, as Cayce puts it.

But, this capacity brings with it an inherent catch 22. In order to have the power, you must be the power. In this regards, you do not actually do the creating. That which is to be done, is already ordained. If you have achieved the level of union with this creative force, it can be done through your awareness. In order achieve this, we must give up our earthly limitations. In other words, we must learn to think in union with the creator, not as a carbon based life form. This learning has traditionally been passed down from one soul to the next, over the ages. It is not an easy process.

One of the first steps I think is best exemplified, by one of my favorite stories of Jesus. A young man came to Him, asking if He would be willing to teach him. Jesus said, ‘Yes, come along, and stay with me for a while’. The young man said he could not do that, because his father was dying, and his family needed his help. Jesus responded, ‘let the dead bury the dead’.

Even though this statement by Jesus sounds hard hearted, this is eventually a choice we will all have to make. Two important aspects of this situation are, that first we must learn to see each other as souls, and not the physical body. Saving the body is not as important as it seems. The dead are those who believe that they will die as the body dies. The living know, that the body is only a shell.

The second thing is in regards to the power of the soul. This man was a victim of being led to believe, that he had a personal obligation to provide for his family. That he had to do this with his own physical actions. But, if this gentleman had been willing to spend just a couple of years with Jesus, he would have done far more for the evolution, and health of his family than any other thing he could ever done himself.

Jesus could have healed his father, and provided for his family, with the simple thought of doing so. And, I can assure you, that what He would have done in this regards, would be far better than anything the young man could think of. If this young man had been able to take a step nearer to the ‘source’, by spending time near to one such as Jesus, he would have been automatically lifted to the point of ‘seeing’ things in a ‘higher’ perspective. His actions would then begin to reflect the knowledge of this union. He would know that we have no greater obligation than to the growth of our own soul.

If we are indeed coming to the end of another age, we may all be here for the purpose of learning from this experience. If a Messiah is going to be here during this time, then the coming events, will most likely have to occur in conjunction with higher mystical timings. I hope, it will become apparent, as you continue through the rest of the predictions how, and why these things must be.

Nostradamus, Quatrain IV-30
Plus onze fois Luna Sol ne voudra,
Tous augmente & baissez de degre:
Et si bas mis que peu or on cendra,
Qu'apres faim, peste, descouvert le secret.

More than eleven times, the moon, and the sun, are not to be seen
All is augmented, and lowered by a step, and/or degree (height)
And, if that which becomes lowered, is put to ashes
After that, will be famine, pestilence, and the discovery of the secret.

My Interpretation
As described in the legends, the universal sign of the end of a world age, is a period when the sun, and moon are not seen for days, or months. This is not a case of these spheres being dimmed due to normal cloud cover, but a time when there is absolute darkness. Essentially, there is no daylight, let alone moonlight, world wide. This can only be the result of clouds of debris, such as you would see from a volcanic eruption. The question is; could an eruption produce the amount of ash that it would take to create a world wide phenomena?

Whatever the cause, Nostradamus says this darkening of the skies has happened more than 11 times. Although most scientists would agree, that such an event has probably occurred more than 11 times in the earth’s history, they still do not believe, that it has occurred during the time of man. And certainly not in man’s recorded history. So, what then is the significance of the number 11? It would not be like him to use anything in his verses that did not have at least one reference to the forces around an event. There must be other meanings to it beyond a simple reference for ‘more than’.

One possibility is that, eleven, comes close to the10 age ending events, Polynesian historians say, are in their history. Therefore, this number could be relevant to the number of world ages, since man has been able to keep track of them. Of all the legends I have seen, the Polynesian’s have the greatest count of world ages. Most other cultures only have record of 4 to 6 of these events. According to Cayce, the area where the Polynesians now live, was one of the first civilizations on earth. It may be possible that these people are the descendants of the ancient continent of Lemura. Perhaps their verbal history continues back into this era

Man has always been known to exist as part of a social structure. This would imply, that some kind of communication existed, even in the earliest of times. It is now accepted, that animals communicate, so why not man? Why couldn’t stories, or warnings about these kinds of events, be passed down in some way or other, even if one grunt means sun, and two grunts means moon. Monkeys can communicate better than that. Were our ancestors really more stupid than monkeys? They could make weapons, and fire, but not communicate? I don’t think so.

I will admit that man's forebears 2 million years ago, probably were still close to the chimpanzee stage, but 100,000 years ago, our ancestors had the same size of brain as most of us do now. He must have been able to communicate at that time. Now the question is, in the last 100,000 years, could there have been, at least 10 cataclysmic events, that would be comparable to an asteroid impact?

If not, then what other possible significance could this number 11 have? As we see in virtually all of his other prophecies, Nostradamus will constantly reference numbers, astrological signs, and ancient gods in his quatrains. These I believe were used as a means of expressing the nature of the forces that surrounded the events he saw. 11 in the mystical sense, represents the base animalistic form, on two levels of the three spheres of reality. It is out of this number, that the physical form is born. In the East, the powers associated with the number one (1) are also reflected in those of the 1st Chakra. These have to do with sex, birth, fears, anxieties, and all primal instincts. It is the muck out of which the flower grows. The use of this number would then imply, that this is a rebirthing process. Thus he doesn’t say 12 or 13, he says more than 11 times.

All is added to, and the old is set a step, or degree lower. During this period of darkness, the earth is covered with a new layer of ground. That which was on the surface, is now set a layer below the new. In addition, the legends make reference to the earth being set a degree lower, or further from the sun. In other words, the earth's orbit is altered, along with its axis, during these events.

If those which are laid lower, are reduced to ashes. The way this line is constructed, it could also mean; that a new layer of earth is made, out of the ashes of the old. In other words, whatever causes this generation of a new layer of earth, it incinerates everything that was there before. A visit to any of our national parks, such as the Grand Canyon, will provide you the opportunity to see the many layers of earth which have been deposited over the millennia.

It was the researching of these strata that prompted scientists to develop the theory of the KT asteroid, which killed off the dinosaurs 64 million years ago. What initially aroused their suspicions was a layer of iridium, and molten material found at a level which is now called the KT boundary. This material could only have been deposited by the impact with the earth of an asteroid, or comet. As we will see, there was probably more material than this, deposited throughout the world, which essentially buried everything exposed on the crust before this impact.

But, this line is also constructed as a condition. The statement is, if the previous layer is turned to ash. This could then imply, that there are other occasions, were the sun would disappear, things would be put down a step, but there was no burning of the old layer first. It is generally acknowledged, that there are several possibilities with regards to the potential causes of major earth changes. Only one of these, is most likely to cause the old layer to be turned to ash before a new layer is put down. That is, an asteroid, or comet impact. So, if there is an impact then, After that will be famine, pestilence, and the discovery of the secret. Those persons who are not made into a part of the ashes, who should be able to survive the resulting famines, and plagues, they will come to know the secret. But what secret? Is there something about this event we still don’t know?

Even though scientists have pretty well determined what happens on the surface of the earth during an impact, there are still some questions about what will happen within the earth itself. There is evidence, that pressure on the magma under the crust could result in many other effects. For instance, it is known, that at the time of the KT impact in the Yucatan Peninsula, there were large eruptions on the opposite side of the world, in the Himalayas. They know, that this asteroid penetrated the earth some 15 miles before it stopped, then was pushed back towards the surface. The magma under that spot, would have had to go somewhere. In addition to coming out of the other side of the earth, there must also have been great rips, or tears in the earth’s crust. This would probably include large shifts along the edges of the tectonic plates.

Taking things a step further, these collisions could have something to do with the pole shift, Edgar Cayce talks about. In Greenland there is an ancient song which simply states, that when a comet strikes the earth, it will flip over. But, of coarse this could not have happened in recorded history, right? As of now, these possibilities are still a scientific mystery. Perhaps, they are a part of the secret to be revealed.

When looking at the context of the complete quatrain, it appears to me, Nostradamus is telling us, that even though world age cataclysms are repetitive, between these events, we have forgotten the secret of what causes it. The results are found in the legends, but the ‘secret’ of the cause has been lost, or perhaps it never has been known. This ‘secret’ may be the one which the Virgin Mary has given to the Pope, and is yet to be revealed to the masses. Or, perhaps, this may be the first age where the ‘secret’ will be fully understood.

Later, we will see, that Edgar Cayce predicts, this process will be understood in 1998. Even if it is, it will probably only be known to a few, and will not be validated until afterwards. I also believe, that as the end of a world age approaches, at some deeper level, we are all aware of what is going to happen. But, out of fear, or denial, we will try to ignore this intuition, even as the signs begin to surface. Consider for a moment the increasing interest, in the nature of the world age phenomena. Movies about asteroid impacts, big waves, alien encounters, and related cataclysmic events. A trend towards 4 wheel drive vehicles. Numerous documentaries on prophecy, and other psychic phenomena associated with this type of event. Why have these things come to surface in the last 10 years?
Order of Events
Nostradamus, Quatrain II-46
Apres grand troche humaine plus grand s'appreste,
Le grand moteur des Siecles renouvelle:
Pluie, sang, laict, famine, fer & peste,
Au ciel veu feu, courant long estincelle.

After a great mass of humanity there will be a great gain of his understanding
The great movement of the cycles (ages) of renews (regenerates itself)
Rain, blood, lacking, famine, iron, and pestilence
In the sky one sees fire, and a long stream of sparks

My Interpretation
This quatrain is not only about things to look for at the end of an age, but it goes further, to list a whole sequence of things to come. In fact, the construction of this quatrain is such, that he seems to be going down a list of circumstances in the order of their occurrence. I have summarized this sequence at the end of the explanation.

The first condition he mentions can certainly be applied to our present time. There shouldn’t much of a question about the great mass of humanity, now populating the world. At present, there are over 6 billion people on earth. With a growth rate of around 3% per year, we are now accelerating past the addition of 1 billion people to this planet every 10 years. One has to wonder where this will end? At some point, the world might flip over simply due to the weight of our own residue.

Neither can there be a question, as to the great advances in technology in recent years. There have been more scientific advances in the last 200 years, than in all the rest of our known history combined. We are now advancing, faster than most people can keep up with it. Could this be the growth in population, and technology, that he says is to occur prior to the end of the great cycles of renewal? Could this be the same ‘cycle of renewal’ Cayce talked of in a previous reading? Same source, same information, same words.

Another thought worth mentioning is the possibility, that the conditions Nostradamus speaks of are universal to all world ages. Perhaps, over population, and scientific advances have occurred at the end of every age ending event. Edgar Cayce described the age of Atlantis has being technologically advanced, but in a different form than it is now. I don’t think it would be unreasonable to assume, that the world population at that time could have been substantial as well.

If you take our present world population growth rate of 3%, and run it backwards, you will find that in the year 0, there would only be 13 people in the world. The highest population growth rates, are in the poorest countries. If this situation has held true in the past, then, early in our civilization, when we were the most impoverished, the population would grown the fastest. Our earliest ancestors are now believed to have existed over 100,000 years ago. Even a sustained population growth rate of 1/2% would result in a present world population that would be off of the scale. You might say, that wars, and diseases, would be enough to keep the population down. But, the population was growing during the 1800’s, when they had lots of wars, and were still using leaches to treat disease.

Another argument for why there aren’t even more people on the earth, is that our ancestors, as a rule, just didn’t live that long. The average life span has been estimated to be only 30 years or so, in earlier times. In addition, to the fact that recent discoveries of frozen remains have disproved this, it has been known for years, that the cultures who have the longest average life spans (routinely live to over100 years), live in the highest, most remote, and harshest areas of the earth. I don't know about you, but for me something isn't adding up here. Man must have been witness to at least several of these major cycles of renewal in the past. During which, a major portion of the world population was extinguished. I believe this is a valid argument for why there aren’t even more people populating the earth today.

The third line continues in a more succinct listing of events. There will be great rains. Blood, which would infer a great war. This war could be due to a general lack of resources, resulting in famine. Or, the war could be a contributing cause to the famine. The next word in the list, ‘fer’, means iron. Although this word seems a bit out of place here, I believe, he is referencing iron in the literal sense. As you will see in other quatrains, he uses ‘iron’ in relation to an impact, and a pole shift. It is well known, that the some asteroids are made up entirely of iron. It is also believed, that the earth's core is mostly made up of iron. Thus, I believe it's use here, is a general reference to the effects of the impact of an iron based asteroid, or something that happens within the earth’s core to generate massive changes on the earth’s surface. This metal would also be the cause of the descriptions of red skies, rivers, and the like, that we see in the ancient stories, and some of the other prophecies.

After this comes a great pestilence. I think he uses this word in its full context of diseases, and an invasion of every other form of vermin known to man. We would certainly see these kinds of effects in the wake of great rains, and soon after an asteroid impact. I believe it is the impact scenario, which is described in the last line. A fire will be seen in the sky with a trail of sparks. The most apt possibility for this description is a comet, or asteroid passing through the atmosphere. It would only take a second, but if you were around to see it, these objects would certainly leave a long trail of sparks as they descended to the earth. It would be just like what everyone has seen in the form of a falling star. Only this one, is going to be a lot bigger. Although some interpreters have read this line as describing a comet seen in distance space, I am sure that Nostradamus would be able to tell the difference between sparks, and the sun’s reflection off of gas, and dust which makes up the comet’s tail as it approaches the sun.

It should be noted here, that in none of his quatrains, does Nostradamus actually use the term asteroid. However, he does describe comets, as stars with cloudy tails. Part of the reason for this could be, that as he wrote these verses, the word was not yet invented. Galilao built his first telescope, 50 years after Nostradamus was buried. It was another century, before a theory, that the earth revolved around the sun, would be accepted. An asteroid was actually identified, sometime after that.

There could be another reason as well. Until very recently, the possibility of an asteroid impact was thought to be very remote. Perhaps the thought of what would happen in this scenario is so horrific, we cannot really come to grips with it. This could be a reason why Mr. Cayce could not talk about it. The people around him were just not ready to hear it. For Nostradamus, the scale of destruction he saw, would inspire him to attach divine characteristics to it. I am certain, that the fire in the sky in this quatrain, is the cause of the great cycle of renewal. Some will see this fire, and sparks as the object pierces the atmosphere. Everyone will see fire, and a shower of sparks for days, if not months, after the impact, as debris thrown out into space rains back down on the earth. Thus I read the fourth line as happening during the events of the third line.

A Review Of The Sequence
In the interest of maintaining some degree of clarity, with regards to the progression of the future predictions, I will reiterate the list of events, as Nostradamus gives it here. This appears to me, to be the general order of things to come.

1. A tremendous growth in world population.
2. Great technological advances.
3. Increasingly strange weather patterns affecting crop production.
4. Rain - which will be more like deluges, will cause flooding and damage infrastructures around the world.
5. Blood - There will be a great war.
6. Before, and after the war, there will be a general lack of resources due to the extreme weather patterns and geologic upheavals. These conditions may lead to economic collapse.
7. An asteroid impact, or pole shift (Iron)
8. This event will cause wide spread destruction, disease, and proliferation of vermin (mice, rats, and other disease carriers).
9. The fire and sparks from the asteroid will be seen during the impact and for days afterwards.

Does the first part of this sound familiar? It does to me.

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